Wednesday, December 12, 2007


All Weather Actionsampler:
The most advanced multi-lens camera yet! Armed with 4 glass lenses, it shoots 4-frame images in a huge variety of ways. First off, it yields serial 4-frame images (like the Actionsampler) with three different shooting speeds. Next, it takes static images (like the Pop) in three ways: 4 identical images, 2 sets of 2 identical images, or 4 individual frames of whatever you like. Feel free to sync the built-in electronic flash while shooting these static images. And to boot, the Autosampler includes a rugged All Weather / Underwater case which goes to 3m deep (about 14’) and is reliable for snorkeling, showering, skiing, snowboarding, water balloon fighting, and rainforest hiking. Uses regular 35mm film that you can get processed anywhere.

Konica APS Disposable:
APS film, created in 1996, was designed for perfectly neutral shapshots. Of course, it’s not supposed to produce these results when it’s been expired for 3 years. Our exclusive deadstock quantity of disposable APS cams will yield something never intended – slightly jacked up-color saturation, film grain, and color balance shift. This results are crazy, lo-fi, and contrasty - but still somewhat-natural prints. It’s like cross-processing lite. APS development is still easy and readily available. Each camera has 25 exposures of ISO400 and a built-in flash.

Split Cam:
Split your world and prepare to taste “image fusion.” Using a dual-blind lens system and multiple exposure mechanics, the Split cam allows you to shoot half your photo with one subject and half with another. The results: a guy’s head on a girl’s body, your friend happy on the left and sad on the right, full frame quadruple exposures, totally normal shots, and a world of other possibilities. Cheap and cheerful with a rough-edged bumblebee color scheme. Normal 35mm film and normal processing.

Minox GT-S Set:
This German-crafted set stuffs world-class optical and camera design right into your pocket. Its fully retractable, radiant Minoxar 2.8/35 lens yields superior contrast, sharpness, and color rendition. Aperture priority and daytime "snapshot" mode allow for total shooting convenience. Dedicated Minox hotshoe flash included. Minox has produced the world¿s finest compact cameras and lenses for the past 70 years and counting.

Paper Pinhole:
A bottle of glue, a ruler, and a pencil are the only things separating you for pure and crushing pinhole ecstasy. The Hole-On-Ex is a palm-sized 35mm camera that you construct with your very own blood, sweat, and tears. In exchange for about 90 minutes of your hard labor, you’ll be handsomely rewarded with intense pinhole images, a new appreciation for the mechanics of photography, and an insanely charming new tool to shoot from the hip.

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